On November 30, 2010, one day after repatriation of displaced persons back to Burma, fighting resumed again inside Burma, of which gun-firing was heard the whole morning from 08.30 to 11.30 A.M., causing 569 villagers, comprising 227 children and 342 adults, to flee across the border again to Ban Mae Kon Ken Village in Thailand’s Mae Sod District of Tak Province. These new arrival entered the temporary site at Wat Mahawong Temple where Thai Authorities and NGOs rushed to their rescue.

COERR visited the site and interviewed each family to identify the Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVIs) for further assistance as well as to ensure family unification.

COERR facilitated and referred new arrival children to Malaria unit for blood test

Safe in the new site

Toothpaste and toothbrush distribution to new arrival on 30 Nov. 20 10